How Do You Deal with an Affair in a Marriage?

Dealing with the aftermath of infidelity can be an incredibly painful and disorienting experience, especially for the individual who has been betrayed. The discovery of a partner's affair can shatter trust, destabilize emotions, and leave one questioning the entirety of the relationship due to conflicting feelings. It’s normal to grapple with the thoughts of “how do I heal myself from infidelity? or “how do I stop the pain of infidelity?” If you find yourself having these thoughts, there are several proactive steps you can take to seek healing and regain a sense of control in your life.

Seek Therapy

Consider reaching out to a therapist specializing in affair recovery therapy in Portland, OR. Infidelity counseling provides a safe and confidential space to process emotions, gain insights into the underlying issues within the relationship, and develop coping strategies to navigate the challenges ahead.

Purple flowers & a white mug. Representing how self-care can help alleviate the pain of an affair. If you're ready to start healing, call us today for affair recovery therapy in Portland, OR.

Practice Self-Care

Engage in activities that promote your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. This may include exercise, meditation, spending time with supportive friends and family, journaling, or pursuing hobbies and interests that bring you joy and fulfillment.

Educate Yourself

Take the time to educate yourself about infidelity, its impact on relationships, and the process of healing. Understanding the dynamics at play can empower you to make informed decisions about your future.

Set Boundaries

Establish clear boundaries with your partner to protect yourself emotionally and create a sense of safety within the relationship. Communicate your needs and expectations openly and assertively.

Practice Forgiveness

While forgiveness is a complex process that takes time, consider exploring the possibility of forgiveness as part of your healing journey. This doesn’t have to mean condoning the betrayal, but rather releasing yourself from the burden of resentment and anger.

Explore Support Groups

Consider joining a support group or online community for individuals who have experienced infidelity. Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide validation, empathy, and practical advice.

How Successful Is Marriage Counseling After Infidelity?

Before beginning marriage counseling, you might be curious to know if it's going to work! Marriage counseling after infidelity can indeed be effective in rebuilding trust and repairing relationships. Studies have shown that couples who engage in counseling after experiencing infidelity often report improvements in communication, understanding, and overall relationship satisfaction. While the success of counseling may vary depending on individual circumstances, many couples find that it provides a comfortable space to address issues, process emotions, and work towards healing together. With the guidance of a trained affair recovery therapist, couples can learn effective communication techniques, develop strategies for rebuilding trust, and develop coping strategies for when they are outside of the therapy sessions.

A woman walking a path while talking to someone. Communication after an affair means a lot. Learn effective communication skills in affair recovery thearpy in Portland, OR.

Can A Marriage Survive Infidelity Without Counseling?

Marriages can survive infidelity without counseling and the likelihood depends on various factors:

Willingness to Communicate: Open and honest communication between partners is crucial for addressing issues and rebuilding trust.

Commitment to Rebuilding: Both spouses must be committed to working through the pain and rebuilding the relationship.

Addressing Underlying Issues: Understanding the root causes of the infidelity and addressing any underlying issues is essential for long-term healing.

Establishing Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries and expectations for the future can help rebuild trust and prevent future infidelity.

Seeking Support: While professional counseling isn't always necessary, seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or religious leaders can provide valuable guidance and perspective.

Emotional Support: Providing emotional support to each other and being willing to validate each other's feelings can facilitate healing.

Time and Patience: Recovering from infidelity takes time, patience, and a willingness to work through setbacks and challenges.

Is Divorce The Only Option After Infidelity?

Divorce, though often considered, isn't the only path forward after infidelity. Every relationship is unique, and navigating betrayal requires careful consideration of various factors. While some couples may ultimately choose to part ways, many find that healing and a resolution are possible with commitment, effort, and professional support. Infidelity can deeply wound trust and destabilize a marriage. This can lead to damaged trust in developing future relationships or even current ones. It’s important to recognize that recovery is a journey with different phases! It's about understanding all of your emotions (the good and the bad) rebuilding trust, and rediscovering shared values. When you’re ready, seeking guidance from qualified therapists who specialize in affair recovery can provide invaluable support as couples navigate this challenging terrain. The decision to stay together or divorce rests with the individuals involved, and each path deserves thoughtful exploration and respect.

Two women showing each other affection while smiling. The pain of infidelity may feel like it’s lingering. Learn how to heal from an affair in online infidelity counseling in Portland, OR!

Is It Possible To Overcome Infidelity?

Absolutely! While infidelity can deeply wound a relationship, it's essential to remember that healing and reconciliation are entirely achievable. Despite the pain and challenges that infidelity brings, many couples have successfully navigated through these difficult times and emerged with a relationship stronger than ever before. A reminder that it’s a journey that requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to confront emotions together.

Through open communication, empathy, and a long commitment to rebuilding trust, couples can work towards answering the reoccurring question “how do you know if your relationship is beyond repair?” Seeking support from a qualified family and marriage therapist can also provide invaluable guidance and tools for working through infidelity. By facing the issues head-on and embracing the opportunity for growth, you can emerge from the shadow of infidelity with a newfound sense of closeness and love.

Four Steps to Start Affair Recovery Therapy

1) Request to Talk to a Therapist and learn more about our family and marriage therapists:

Fill out our brief contact form and one of our therapists will contact you within 24-48 hours ( except for holidays)

2) Talk to a Therapist and Schedule an infidelity counseling session

One of our expert therapists will contact you by phone for a free 15-minute consultation to ensure we're a good fit. Then you'll be able to schedule an online counseling session.

3) Share with Us a Little more Background on Yourself.

We will send you a secure in-take link to give us some more background information on your situation to help your therapist understand you a bit more so that they can make your first session as effective and helpful as possible.

4) Have your First Affair Recovery Counseling Session

Your first session will mostly be assessment in nature, but we do want you to have a good experience and to start learning some effective tools right away. Most people experience a sense of relief that they have taken the first steps toward a positive change and feel hopeful to have found a therapist who can help.

Other Services:

At Spark Relational Counseling, we offer a variety of mental health services to support you and your needs. We offer anxiety treatment at our Portland anxiety clinic. For individuals with immigrant parents and/or trans-racially adopted adults, we offer culturally sensitive individual counseling to help you address issues around identity and culture. For professional working women with concerns around dating, we offer Individual therapy for loneliness that helps you feel more confident in building a strong romantic relationship. Additionally, for those in a relationship. we specialize in couples and marriage counseling and premarital counseling as well. We also offer online therapy in Oregon, online therapy in Washington, and online therapy in Illinois. We are here to support you on your path to a more connected and fulfilling life.


How Do I Heal Myself From Infidelity?


How Do You Know If Your Relationship Is Beyond Repair?